AGM 1998
Minutes of 1998 AGM
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The Meeting was held at 7pm on Monday March 23th 1998 in Maiden Castle bar.
Present: T. Cleaver, P.D.B. Collins, R.F. Halliwell, A. Harden, J.B. Innes, B. Lander, N. Metcalfe, J. White, M. Evans.
Apologies: J. Anstee, T. Fuller, D.P. Nelis, C.J. Rowe, P.G. Steel, J.M. Steele, C. Thompson
- Minutes: The minutes of the 1997 meeting were accepted.
- Matters Arising: The question of whether we were insured for injuries to passers-by etc was still not clear, especially for non-University one-off players. The Chairman & Treasurer would attempt to clarify the situation.
The matter of non-University players and MC cards was also still not clear !
A trophy for the Euan Squires Memorial Match had been purchased (suitable inscribed) in conjunction with Grey SCR. It was noted that since then it has been in the hands of Grey SCR ! - Chairman’s Report: To come…
- Captain’s Report: To come…
- Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s financial report can be found here. The equipment inventory is here. It was agreed that match fees should remain at their current level. Due to the Northern Rock windfall it was pointed out that it would now be advantageous achieve a decent rate of interest on our account. The treasurer agreed to look at the possibility of putting aside £200 into longer term storage in e.g. a postal account.
- Secretary’s Report: The secretary reported that no fixture list was yet available for the forthcoming season (see item 8). The only confirmed fixtures were the home matches against the Mayors XI (July 8) and Blagon (July 22), and the Sunday away match again Adders (July 12), which this year would be at Heaton.
- Election of Officers: All Officers in post were re-elected for the forthcoming season.
- Fixture revamp – matches on the artifical wicket: The secretary reported that due to attempts by the students to organise themselves into a league structure, our traditional dates for fixtures were no longer in effect. However, we were still waiting for the students to produce a replacement set. A first draft which had come into the hands of the secretary showed many of our fixtures down-graded to MC2 (the artificial wicket). It was agreed that the secretary would make every attempt to rectify this situation, and whilst we would agree to play some matches on MC2, it should not be the ‘norm’ for us to do so.
- New kit requirements: There was much long and involved discussion on the provision of new kit, given our healthy financial status. It was eventually agreed tha the Treasurer and Captain would review the existing kit before the start of the season and make whatever purchases were necessary to ensure 4 sets of match-quality kit.
It was also agreed that Captain would look into the prospect of providing club kit (probably long-sleeved jumpers) which could be purchased by members and would carry a club logo. If necessary, some club funds could be used to underwrite the initial cost (e.g. if we had to purchase a large number at once as part of a deal). The Chairman would inquire into the possibility of using the University crest as part of the logo.
Nigel Metcalfe – 27/4/98