Account 1998
Treasurer’s Report for 1998 Season
£ p Balance 24/3/98 2776 77 Less ---- Cricket kit 368 50 Jumpers (1) 583 60 Hospitality (2): Mallards 29.68 Mayor's XI 45 00 Plus ---- Sales of Jumpers 300 00 Bank interest 13 02 Match fees (3) 138 00 ______ Balance c/f 22/3/99 2201 01 ______
- 20 jumpers were bought at £25 plus a one off cost of crest design etc. It was agreed to sell at £20 each to members. There are still 5 jumpers in stock.
- Hospitality includes drinks purchased by the Captain after one game and the cost of hosting the Mayor’s game (£125 less the Vice-Chancellor’s contribution of £80)
- Match fees remained at £1 per game. The £138 collected includes £14 relating to the 1997 season, not included in last year’s accounts.
J.R. White 22/3/99
Back to minutes of 1999 AGM
Nigel Metcalfe / [email protected]
Last Updated 3/5/99