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Account 1997

Treasurer’s Report for 1997 Season 

                          £  p
Balance 17/3/97              507 41

Income from match fees        51 00

Building Soc net interest      2 80

'Windfall' share sale       2249.55



50% cost of trophy           -25 00 

Scorebook                     -8 99


Balance 5/3/96              2776.77



  1. Match fees remained at 1 pound per game. Fees collected in 1996 were £77. There are three debtors amongst ‘regular’ players from whom another £12 should be collectable. The increasing use of one-off/Grad Soc. players does mean a number of people are not charged, which was not the case a few years ago.
  2. The only equipment purchase was a scorebook and £25 was the 50% cost of the memorial trophy purchased by Grey SCR.
  3. The flotation of the Northern Rock and our sale of our windfall shares has transformed the club finances such that we currently have a very healthy balance fo £2776.77.
  4. There may be some discussion about the use of our funds but I recommend we maintain subscriptions at £1 per game to maintain longer term viability – though it would be possible to declare a one-off free season.

J.R. White 23/3/98

Back to minutes of 1998 AGM

Nigel Metcalfe / [email protected]
Last Updated 27/4/98