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Account 1995

Treasurers Report for 1995 Season

                            Pnds  P
Balance 2/3/95               365 37

Income from match fees       119 00

Building Soc Interest (net)    2 90


                             487 27

Expenditure                     NIL (!)


Balance 5/3/96               487 27



Match fees remained at 1 pound per game. There is one debtor (of 8 pounds) who is currently at Aberdeen, but the potential income will only be brought into the account if the income is received. The figures for last year were match fees of 102 pounds with 5 pounds written off. The practice of collecting fees in arrears rather than at games did lose very small amounts of back interest but was much easier in fact than trying to get 1 pound off players after games.J.R. White 5/3/96

Back to minutes of 1996 AGM

Nigel Metcalfe / [email protected]
Last Updated 26/4/96