AGM 2015
Minutes of 2005 AGM
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The Meeting was held at 7pm on Monday March 14th 2005 in Maiden Castle bar.
Present: Ewan Anderson, Tony Cleaver, Peter Collins, Tom Hase, Nigel Metcalfe, Mark Swinbank, Ian Whitfield, Eckart Wrede.
Apologies: Ted Fuller, John White, Ted Fuller, Rich Wilson, Paul Low.
- Minutes: The minutes of the 2004 meeting were accepted.
- Matters Arising: None
- Chairman’s Report: The highlist of the season had been the team’s participation in the Durham International Cricket Festival. Once again the anuual dinner had been a success. Thanks were due to the Captain (Tom Hase) and secretary (Nigel Metcalfe) for organising the season, and to Ekhart Wrede for his organisation of the kit.
Peter Collins - Captain’s Report: Before launching into details of the season just gone, I would like to thank all those who helped make the 2004 season a success. The club would not be able to run without the excellent work of Nigel as secretary – all the fixtures, re-arrangements and hassles all seem to fall to him. He also maintains the web page leaving me with the carefree enjoyment of the game.All the other officers have helped out, and in particular I would like to thank Eckart for driving the kit around and letting in clog up his office. Special mention should also be made to Nick Jones who helped captain the side on several occasions, most notably during the international cricket festival and also Ian Whitfield the vice-captain who stood in when I was away.Onto the 2004 Season:We had 20 fixtures arranged, or re-arranged in our normal season. Of these 10 were cancelled due to rain. Of the others we managed to win 4 and loose 6, including for the second time a close match with the Mayor of Stockton?s XI (at Billingham). We had several away missions including a game in a Bishop Auckland field, our annual trip to Ryhope and as well as games at Close House and Cochrane Park.In addition to our usual cricket season we also participated the Durham World Club Friendship Cricket Festival. This prestigious festival was organised by the city council and ran during the 1st week of August and was played at the racecourse, MC and various other grounds in county durham. We were excellently hosted by Ushaw Moor and Willington Cricket clubs during the week. Due to several members of the team being on holiday, we seconded several players from Durham City Cricket club, several of whom have university links. We were always able to put out a team with a majority of players from the staff team, and thanks to everyone who gave up days in the office to play. When the teams were announced it was no surprise to find that we had been drawn against the club champions of Barbados! We had them at 68 for 5 with excellent bowling from TC (8 overs 2 for 19) but they ‘accelerated’ and reached 269 before we replied with a valiant 184 for 6 off our 40 overs. A nice start which saw us dropped the ‘plate competition’. As you can see from the results below, we competed well during the week and personally I enjoyed myself as much as everyone else who participated. Sun Aug 1 Ushaw Moor 11am Dover Tour Club Lost Dover 269 all out (39 overs); Staff 184-6 (40 overs) Mon Aug 2 MC1 11am Durham City COuncil Won DCityCouncil 55 all out (18 overs); Staff 59-2 (14 overs) Tues Aug 3 Racecourse 11am Indoor Cricket USA No result Indoor USA 216 all out (39 overs); rain stopped play Wed Aug 4 Racecourse 11am Optimists Lost Optimists 213-7 (40 overs); Staff 192-8 (40 overs) Thur Aug 5 Willington 11am Alpenhorn Won Alpenhorn 177 all out (39 overs); Staff 178-6 (38 overs) Sat Aug 7 (Finals – Staff withdrew) Looking through the score book reveals several season highlights for various players which are listed in no particular order as:Batting:Nick Jones, 54 against Johns and 50 against Optimists Paul Low, 69 not out against HB and a 49 against Alpenhorns Matt Houghton, 62 against Dover CC Bowling: Jon Pearson 3 for 11 off 4 against Johns 3 for 3 off 3 against King James Tom Hase 3 for 13 off 4 against HB 5 for 17 off 8 against Durham City Council John White 3 for 11 off 3 against Grey JCR 4 for 25 off 4 against Stockton Mayors XI Nigel 3 for 0 off 2 against Mallards Ade Sadgrove 4 for 29 off 5.3 against Indoor Cricket USA Nick Jones 4 for 39 off 8 against Alpenhorns Best Fielding Injury: Nigel for catching a ball with his eye. In addition to the playing season, the annual dinner was held in Grey during September. Thanks to Tony for organising a very successful event, yet again.
Tom Hase 2/3/2005 - Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s financial report can be found here.The treasurer (Richard Wilson) was unable to be present, but it was reported that no fees had been collected for 2004. There was also a mysterious bill from Durham School for 10 sports hall sessions at £42 each. This was presumed to be a mistake, as the club had not hired the hall for 10 sessions (and certainly not at that price). There was a suspicion that this was really a bill for the undergraduate colleges. The previous accounts had not yet been audited.
- Secretary’s Report: No winter nets had been arranged this year, due to lack of a venue. Easter nets would proceed as usual, 5:30-7 on Monday evenings. John Holland had pencilled in 4 college fixtures for Staff, two before and two after exams, but there was no confirmation of these yet. This would leave some weeks when Staff has no fixtures.
Nigel Metcalfe - Election of Officers:
- The Vice-Chancellor was re-elected as club President.
- John Anstee was re-elected as Vice-President
- Peter Collins was re-elected as Chairman.
- Nigel Metcalfe was re-elected as Secretary
- Tom Hase was re-elected as Club Captain.
- Ian Whitfield was re-elected as Vice-Captain.
- Nigel Metcalfe was re-elected as Secretary.
- Mark Swinbank was elected as Treasurer.
- Kit The club had mysteriously gained a helmet during last season. Although the owners’ name was in it, he had failed to respond to attempts to contact him. The equipment list is here. The possibility of club caps or jumpers was raised.
- AOB The anuual dinner would continue as last year. The estimated cost would be £20.
Nigel Metcalfe – 9/03/05